Page 10 - Engage -- no.12 -- Spring 2018
P. 10

Spring 2018
  Generation X
65 Million | Born 1965–1979
39–53 Years Old in 2018
Gen X often grew up as the latchkey kids, watching their baby boomer parents build their careers while sacrificing home life. Consequently, this generation puts a focus on family and flexibility.
Gen X is usually a bit rebellious and cynical, but they’re hardworking high earners. Their smaller size and transitional status mean they’re often forgotten or lumped in with larger generations. Gen X is split in their politics and less conservative than earlier generations. They’re avid volunteers, less emotional, and more logical than Generations Y and Z.
Marketing to Generation X
Gen X is digitally transitional. They love traditional media, such as magazines, TV, direct mail, and radio, yet they’re actively engaged in technology, apps, and social media. App games are less common in their routines, so they are harder to target in this area. They’re banking and researching online, shopping online, and watching streaming video on their phones and tablets. You should approach Gen Xers like a consultant, not a salesperson, and provide suggestions, not rules. They are brand loyal once you’ve gained their trust, but they’re always open to new opportunities.
(Gen Y)
87 Million | Born 1980–2000
18–38 Years Old in 2018
Millennials, or Gen Y, are different than any other generation to date. Described as digital natives, they’ve used technology since the
beginning of their lives, whereas earlier generations are digital immigrants who lived much of their lives before cell phones and tablets.
Millennials are elusive and hard to reach through traditional marketing channels. They tend to be suspicious of marketing tactics and can tune them out completely. They live their lives out loud, growing up on social media—and they rely on the opinions of others when making decisions. This group of people are early adopters of technology, and they love apps, games, and streaming video. They are known to multitask across two or three screens at a time, so you must fight for their attention. Personalized print grabs that attention!
Millennials have high expectations, but having reached maturity in a tough economy, they’ve been forced to master the “side hustle.” Although they’re not making the money that generations before them are making, millennials have a tremendous influence over the buying decisions of their Gen X and boomer parents. Many even still live at home.
Marketing to Millennials
Millennials are open-minded and default to a traditional Google product search. They love to spend their money on experiences, such as eating out, traveling, etc. They communicate with brands,
Xennials — In 2014, the term Xennial was coined to describe people in a microgeneration between 1977 and 1985. They had an analog childhood, yet they comfortably grew up with technology. People in this group often don’t feel connected to either generation—lacking the cynicism of Gen X and having the drive and optimism of millennials.
and they’re willing to share and promote the brands they like on social media. It’s noteworthy that millennials are delaying life’s milestones, such as buying cars and homes, getting married, and having children. They care about your brand story, and they value earth friendliness, social responsibility, and rewards. They don’t like products tested on animals.
Unlike earlier generations, no definitive start or end date has been determined for Gen Y or Gen Z. We chose to use the generally accepted date range for these generations.
Generation Z
75 Million | Born 2001–2015
3–17 Years Old in 2018
While everyone had their eye on millennials, Gen Z were suddenly approaching adulthood. Many
1915 –1942
Patriotic Civic-minded Practical
Intensely loyal Relational
Cautious with money Humble
Disciplined Patient

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