Page 14 - ENGAGE -- Issue #10 -- Fall 2017
P. 14

                                BRAND BUILDING
Fall 2017
 The Missed
Opportunity of Internal Marketing
           By Tim Sweeney
A brand’s employees are, in many cases, an overlooked asset group in marketing e orts. We asked the marketing leaders from two companies to explain their strategy in making their employees a priority. Now you can maximize the potential of your workforce to build brand power.
a s a marketer, you may spend long days and sometimes sleepless nights deep in
thought about new ways to connect with your target audience. But what if there is another audience much closer to home that you aren’t targeting at all?
Often, a major asset that is underused and sometimes ignored is lurking across the hall
from your marketing department—your fellow employees. Why would you market to your own employees? For starters, company morale. If employees believe their job is simply a job, it will show in everything they do and say to every person they connect with daily. On the flip side, if the workforce believes in the vision and values of the company and is proud to be part of the team, they often deliver customer products and experiences that are over-the-top and go out of their way to spread the word about brand accomplishments and products.

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